3D printing is one of the inventions that is increasingly spoken of as something extraordinary and promising, a second industrial revolution, a step towards the future.
While many people perceive 3D printing as a science fiction, it is completely real and feasible. It is a process in which layers of plastic, metal, or other materials are superimposed to create an object. That is, 3D printing transforms a digital model into a real, three-dimensional object. Imagine, you can create whatever you want without a lot of effort – the applications are countless and only a small hour of them is considered here.
Different businesses offer 3D printers for home use, you can now buy one at a price between $ 500 and $ 2000, and the “ink” itself, about $ 20-30. But the investment is worth it – with this printer you can create everything you need at home – spare parts, phone pocket, pliers, glasses, all kinds of small household needs. With special ink you can even print a flashlight! This would save you a lot of shopping and a lot of money.
But 3D printing at home also has limitations – the objects you create are not as durable as those produced in the factories because they have not been subjected to any further processing. The larger you print, the longer it takes. To print anything, you need a digital model of this site, and although there are many sites that offer them for free, not all models are fully technically and functionally. In general, 3D printing at home is best suited for small, not too complex items of necessity.
The real advantages and opportunities that 3D printing offers can be used most adequately on a global scale. Taking production – for example, in a car factory, 3D printing can be used to create specific parts for the car, it would be much more advantageous to print and then process more than ever before. In addition, various tools can also be created in this way to facilitate business work. Another possibility is to print prototypes – it will be much easier and cheaper for a prototype to be printed than otherwise done, especially given the fact that multiple prototypes are usually needed to achieve the desired result. All this will reduce the cost of production and hence the price of the product on the market.
3D printing has the potential to become a revolutionary invention for medicine as well. The shortage of organs for transplantation is the cause of the deaths of millions of people around the world. With the development of 3D printing, after 10-20 years the creation of a fully functioning organ ready for transplantation will become possible. For this purpose, special ink will be used, which will contain cells from the patient and so the chance of rejection becomes 0%. The beginning was set up two years ago when a kidney was printed at a TED conference. In the near future, different parts of the human body, such as ears, can be printed on the same principle and grafted to the patient. Another possibility that 3D printing offers is the creation of medicines. Already approved medicines can be printed, saving efforts and resources, and new drugs can be tested on printed tissues, thus effectively assessing which drugs are to be tested on patients. 3D printing can really save lives.
But it may take lives. It is now possible to create weapons parts through 3D printing. Soon it can be legitimate to create whole weapons in this way. Yes, the quick and cheap production of weapons would be advantageous for the army, but if the models for these weapons are available to civilians? Everyone could create a weapon at home. Or more than one. Legally. This is definitely a cause for concern, especially after the many incidents and deaths following recent public gunfight.
Sorce: http://podmosta.bg